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... with THE Purple Fairy

Thursday, 31 March 2011

What a clever sausage!!

That Melvyn Bragg eh?  What?  My goodness how DOES he hold all that complicated stuff inside his brain?  My intimate friends (and the divorce court) know that I am a Radio 4 fanatic.  Fiend in fact.  Tis true that every single radio (which will end up on land fill apparently together with my old fashioned telly cos I'm not upgraded) is tuned to Radio 4.  Radio 4 accompanies me wheresoever I go in the cottage:  from the ahem! smallest room to the bathroom to the den to the bedroom where I frequently listen to the shipping forecast and the currently decimated World Service.  For those not familiar with the World Service I can confirm that not only is it a vital, essential, necessary form a communication across the planet (and probably beyond!) but it has sustained the alone, the terrified and the ignorant over the years.  Even captives report the warm comfort of the transmissions in their darkest hours.  And the presenters seem much more relaxed that their daytime colleagues.  There is a gentleness (and an equal fierceness actually!) about the programmes laced with slightly cheeky humour which I find delightful.  And it's not just me:  glowing comments are recorded everywhere from strange sounding Countries with exotic sounding names.

But back to Our Melv:  He frightens me.  I would be absolutely scared to death to share a dinner table or a platform with him.  Each week, week after week after week, he engages in highbrow conversation on subjects as diverse as the inter galatic impact of the chain reaction effect of a butterfly taking off in the Amazon to the nuances of the obsure religion of the Goo Goo Ga Tribe.  Marvellous! Seriously I mean it he is Marvellous Melv.  The depth and breadth of his knowledge is phenomonal.  There appears to be no subject complicated enough; obscure enough or terrifing enough to throw Our Melv.  I don't think in all the years I have listened to him I have ever heard him say 'I don't know'.   There is no subject this man does not know something about.  He speaks a form of English it is now too late for me to learn.   I understand every fifth word he speaks:  'Good'  'Morning' 'Yes' 'Really?' 'Why?' for example.  The words in between are an utter mystery to me.  And, no!  I am NOT sneering!  I genuinely admire his apparent knowledge.  I am, in fact, jealous.  Please God make me a teeny weeny bit 'telligent like what Our Melv is.  I hunger for knowledge, always have done.  Loved school, cried when I was cruelly removed too soon. 

And now, having given the Rat in my Back sufficient time to be slightly snoozed by the pain meds, I guess it is time to be growed up again and attempt to right the ship that is my life.  Postie's delivery received just now has been painless (but of course there is Friday to come;  the traditional day for creditors and bullies to write in apocalpytic terms to you in time for you to spend the weekend in sleepless terror);  the rain has stopped (shame!) the wind has risen and the sun is shining.  All I have to decide next is which actual chore will I pick up next.  I have three and a half hours until the Rat in my Back will need sedating again, so let's see what I can achieve in that time....  Oh, and the the way, for some reason spell check won't play today so although I have managed to edit and stuff a couple of times, any errors?  Live with them ;-)

Love and Peace
THE Purple Fairy xxx

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