Oh! Eckky Thump! By the Great God Entwhistle (famous old Yorkshire God - didn't you know?!). I had crafted this blog today about money and how it muddles me cos I don't speak it's language. I had even referred to the two pages of correspondence I had received from the Tax Man(Manette) explaining to me, in a language I am unable to decipher, that he/she has adjusted my tax code by making it smaller and that, should, I have earned £37,000 ish during the past year then I must understand that I shall be paying tax at 20%, and, 40% at anything else above that figure. My perplelexedness comes from the fact that the authorities know everything there is to know about me: medically, mentally and monetarily. So what idiot thinks it is likely that in the period of the one year past I am likely to have earned £37,000 or above? And!!! If I was likely to earn above and beyond that figure, that I would, er... actually be on benefits......? Ho hum.
So I had written several paragraphs that went on to talk about medieval-ness and bartering and general chitter chatter when I went to edit some mistake. Yep! Wiped the flipping lot! every word, 'cept the word that I had just edited. Couldn't find the blog anywhere. So here we are then with fresh one. Clearly the Blog Fairy thought the previous version was a little too, how shall we say, open?
Despite having retired early last evening, I awoke very tired this morning and remained so. In fact, it is fair to say that I could have gone back to sleep after the first cup of tea. But I didn't. I allowed sufficient time for medications to do their thing, chatted on chat with my Beloved Daughter-in-Law, and then made my way via the Rhubarb plant to the village. I'd harvested the first six sticks of the crop and took them into the animal feed shop. We bartered: D got the rhubarb and I got two days supply of food for my dog, my cats and the Wild Boys. Now that's the sort of market forces I understand!!!!!! Must be a medieval soul, always said I was born out of my time.
Took MaddyMoo to Howden's Pullover to play fetchy catchy and en route we saw two magpies. Oh joy! Previous readers will recall that I have an irrational love for the so called Devil's Bird and am always rridiculously pleased to see a pair. So I grabbed the omen tightly to my chest and hoped. MaddyMoo was delighted to arrive at her new favourite play place. Something, however, spooked her. She, the fearless Patterdale crossed with a Collie who would take on the biggest, fattest, smelliest monster if it was attacking any member of her tribe. She became distracted. Looking beyond me to the horizon she could clearly hear or see something I was not privy to. I confess that I was struggling on account of the fact that I had miss-timed the meds, again, and was finding it hard to throw the toy but I tried to encourage her to play a little longer. Nope! MaddyMoo picked up her toy, leapt into Florence and looked at me in that 'Can we go home now please' kinda way. Gratefully I fired up Florence.
Then I decided that I would just pop over to 'my' church to see what was happening. I was a bit concerned. The conservators have been here for over a week restoring the font and the door was wide open and the lights were on but no car or truck parked up. They had already asked me to keep the church locked as there was £5,000.00 worth of tools stored in there whilst the work continued. Me and MaddyMoo went to investigate. The young man in his mid-twenties was in fact in the church continuing with his work on the wooden lid of the font. He explained in answer to my worried enquiries that he had had to park his car away from the church because someone coming out of the farm entrance next door had hit his car! This is a rural road! One car parked by the Church, several collared doves wandering along the road, the odd, very odd as it happens, Wood Pidgeon and several sparrows. And she managed to hit him how?????
Ah well I guess we can all get into muddles.
Love and Peace
THE Purple Fairy xxx
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